Source code for bgc_md2.resolve.MVarSet

from typing import Dict, List, Set, TypeVar
from frozendict import frozendict
import networkx as nx
import inspect
import importlib

# from ..models.helpers import provided_mvar_values
from .helpers import bgc_md2_computers
from . import non_graph_helpers as ngh
from .graph_helpers import (
# the next imports should not be necessary after the model specific part is factored out
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import Math
from IPython.display import display
from CompartmentalSystems.smooth_reservoir_model import SmoothReservoirModel
from sympy import latex

[docs]class MVarSet: # This class is explicitly instantiated (even in the model from a set. # The models becomes A (as opposed to THE) way to create a MVarSet instance # which can also be created arbitrarily (and programmatically) somewhere else. # Not all MVarSets of interest are "Models" some are "ModelRuns" (=Simulations) # The models submodule of bgc_md2 is just a convienience to assemble MVarSets that # express models. # Actually in the case of Williams the MvarSet expresses a ModelRun with # units (which motivates a possible second submodule modelruns # that will contain modelruns which will refer to a particular model and # just add parameterizations and start values) # fixme: mm 9/15/2020 # # Along with the graph and non_graph helpers the bigger part of the class # could be factored out into a more abstract class or meta class (possibly # living in a different python package) that does not depend on the # specific mvars and computers in this package. # This more abstract version would also not # include references to specific variables like SmoothReservoirModel in the # graph method (and would not implement the graph_method) def __init__(self, s): self.provided_mvar_values=s @property def provided_mvar_types(self) -> Set[type]: return frozenset(type(v) for v in self.provided_mvar_values) #@property
[docs] def computable_mvar_types(self) -> Set[type]: return ngh.computable_mvars( allComputers=bgc_md2_computers(), available_mvars=self.provided_mvar_types )
@property def computable_mvar_names(self): return [var.__name__ for var in self.computable_mvar_types()] def __dir__(self): return super().__dir__() + [ "get_{}".format(name) for name in self.computable_mvar_names ] def __getattr__(self, name): if name.startswith("get_"): var_name = name[4:] #for var in self.mvars: for var in self.computable_mvar_types(): if var.__name__ == var_name: return lambda: self._get_single_mvar_value(var) return super().__getattr__(name)
[docs] def path_dict_to_single_mvar( self, mvar: type ) -> Dict[type, List[Set[type]]]: # fixme mm 09-15-2020: # should be deprecated since the class MVarSet implements a similar method now node = frozenset({mvar}) spsg = sparse_powerset_graph(bgc_md2_computers()) graph_min_nodes = minimal_startnodes_for_single_var(spsg, mvar) pmvs = self.provided_mvar_types model_min_nodes = list(filter(lambda n: n.issubset(pmvs), graph_min_nodes)) if len(model_min_nodes) < 1: raise ( Exception( "The desired mvar can not be computed from the provided mvars:" + node_2_string(pmvs) + "Minimal sets to compute it are" + nodes_2_string(graph_min_nodes) ) ) path_dict = frozendict( { n: list(nx.all_shortest_paths(spsg, source=n, target=node)) for n in model_min_nodes } ) return path_dict
def _get_single_mvar_value( self, mvar: type, path: List[Set[type]] = [] ): # ->mvar: # fixme mm 03-07-2020: # This is interesting: The function actually returns # an instance of class mvar, I do not know yet how to express that with # the static type hint system. # (Obviously the return type is a function of the input types) pvs = self.provided_mvar_values pv_dict = {type(v): v for v in pvs} if mvar in [type(v) for v in pvs]: return pv_dict[mvar] path_dict = self.path_dict_to_single_mvar(mvar) start_nodes = path_dict.keys() if path == []: default_start_node = sorted(start_nodes, key=lambda node: len(node))[0] path = path_dict[default_start_node][0] else: # check if the given path is among the possible paths start_node = path[0] if start_node not in path_dict.keys(): raise (Exception("There are no path to the target with this startnode")) starting_here = path_dict[start_node] if not path in starting_here: raise (Exception("the given path is not possible")) # create results step by step along the graph spsg = sparse_powerset_graph(bgc_md2_computers()) rg = spsg.subgraph(path).copy() rg.nodes[path[0]]["values"] = pvs for i in range(1, len(path)): computers = rg.get_edge_data(path[i - 1], path[i])[0][ "computers" ] # if we have more def apply(comp): arg_classes = [p.annotation for p in inspect.signature(comp).parameters.values()] arg_values = [pv_dict[cl] for cl in arg_classes] res = comp(*arg_values) return res pv_dict.update({ngh.output_mvar(c): apply(c) for c in computers}) return pv_dict[mvar] # fixme mm 9/15/2020 # This method is bgc or even Model specific and would not be part of the more general package
[docs] def graph(self): target_var = SmoothReservoirModel if target_var not in self.computable_mvar_types(): return srm = self._get_single_mvar_value(target_var) fig = plt.figure() rect = (0, 0, 0.8, 1.2) # l, b, w, h ax = fig.add_axes(rect) ax.clear() srm.plot_pools_and_fluxes(ax) plt.close(fig) return ax.figure out = widgets.Output() with out: display(var.__name__ + "=") display(Math(latex(res))) # The latex could be filtered to display subscripts better # display(res) if capture: return out else: display(out)
# fixme mm 9/15/2020 # This method is bgc or even Model specific and would not be part of the more general package
[docs] def render(self, var): res = self._get_single_mvar_value(var) display(Math("\\text{" + var.__name__ + "} =" + latex(res)))
# The latex could be filtered to display subscripts better # display(res) # fixme mm 9/15/2020 # This method is bgc or even Model specific and would not be part of the more general package
[docs] @classmethod def from_model_name(cls,model_id): """ convenience method to get the instance from a submodule of bgc.models by just giving the name of the submodule """ sep = "." #model_mod_name = sep.join(__name__.split(sep)[:-1]) models_mod_name = 'bgc_md2.models' # in case the module has been created or changed # after the current session started importlib.invalidate_caches() mod = importlib.import_module( sep + str(model_id) + sep + "source", package=models_mod_name ) retVal= mod.mvs if type(retVal)==cls: return retVal else: raise Exception( "The variable mvs in the target module is not of type {}.".format(cls.__name__) )